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the current system time is: Fri Feb 07 19:50 2025; you are connected on irc0.tomoelabs.co.jp; message of the day follows:

[07:17] <@spiritflame> reincarnation; they have the same soul
[07:17] <FireFly_9> Wait, that was verified?
[07:17] * @spiritflame knows these things
[07:18] <// J_Daito //> Well isn't that handy

welcome to #suburbansenshi2

[19:51] * ? tries to lick the monster blood...
[19:51] * The Vampire Lyrica Hubert looks at what this is to see if it's pervert she needs to exterminate
[19:51] * Giselle Bellerose is doing this....she looks like she's in a hunger state....@_@
[19:52] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> ...
[19:52] * The Vampire Lyrica Hubert fishes around in her pockets and finds a sachet of the monster blood
[19:52] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> here
[19:53] * Giselle Bellerose drinks it down
[19:54] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> Sup fellow Nosferatu~
[19:55] * Giselle Bellerose is too much into a hunger state..so she's not very talkative at the moment
[19:57] *** Davina O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:57] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Davina O`Cain
[19:57] * Davina O`Cain stretches a bit as she exits an elevator
[19:57] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> Geeze, they never teach you how to get food or somehting
[19:58] * Giselle Bellerose 's eyes start to clear
[19:58] <Giselle Bellerose> ...pardon?
[19:58] * The Vampire Lyrica Hubert just gestures to what Giselle is doing
[20:05] <Giselle Bellerose> ...oh..Merce
[20:05] <Davina O`Cain> Oh, good evening.
[20:05] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> Yo~
[20:07] <Davina O`Cain> How are you two doing?
[20:08] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> I'm f[BLEEP]king dead - spent all day killing nazis and monsters in a German Castle
[20:11] <Giselle Bellerose> mon dieu!
[20:12] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> Yeah
[20:12] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> Every few years they try somehting
[20:15] * Burroughs phases up out of one of the Arcade Cabinets. "How do?"
[20:16] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> goooooooooood i just hate f[BLEEP]king overtime
[20:18] * Burroughs raises an eyebrow.
[20:18] <Davina O`Cain> Oh, hello.
[20:18] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> Because not only do you kill the monsters. not only do you kill the nazi masters. You then need to travel. from germany. to england. to Japan.
[20:19] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> And Hellsing doesn't compensate for the last leg of international travel
[20:19] <Giselle Bellerose> you work for Hellsing?
[20:19] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> They used to then f[BLEEP]king Brexit
[20:19] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> and now... yes
[20:19] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> And now everything is subject to "budgetary review"
[20:20] <Burroughs> .....hoo boy.
[20:20] * Giselle Bellerose says something insultie in french
[20:20] <Giselle Bellerose> *insultive
[20:20] * The Vampire Lyrica Hubert blinks a few times
[20:20] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> B[BLEEP]ch we speak French in U-Kingdom
[20:21] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> Don'
[20:21] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> Don't make me take back th blood I just gave you
[20:22] * The Vampire Lyrica Hubert pats her blood-encrusted dagger
[20:24] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> ehh who Am I kidding I'm too lazy to avenge.
[20:25] * Giselle Bellerose simply nods
[20:25] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> Whats' your problem with Hellsing anyway
[20:25] <Davina O`Cain> What were Nazis plotting to do?
[20:26] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> The same thing they always plot to do. Take over the world
[20:26] <Giselle Bellerose> it is a matter of pride
[20:29] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> Oh yeah?
[20:31] <Giselle Bellerose> you do not know the history..between my home country..and that of hellsing?
[20:34] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> I kill who they point me at; beyinf that I don't read the history
[20:34] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> what happened
[20:37] <Giselle Bellerose> ...
[20:37] * Giselle Bellerose begins to go over the whole history of the French and the English...
[20:41] * The Vampire Lyrica Hubert half-listens, autonodding
[20:42] * Giselle Bellerose enlists her Uncle Matsuo....who brings in......................THE SLIDE SHOW
[20:46] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> ._.
[20:50] * Matsuo Shin is currently on the 13th century...he has lots of notes
[20:54] <Davina O`Cain> ^_^;
[20:55] * The Vampire Lyrica Hubert can't even wish for death because she's undead.
[20:59] * Matsuo Shin also has...JOY OF JOYS.....PASSIBLE NOTES
[21:03] * The Vampire Lyrica Hubert is propping her eyes open with toothpicks
[21:20] <Matsuo Shin> oh sorry..lost my place
[21:20] <Matsuo Shin> I'll start again
[21:20] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> NO!
[21:21] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> NO TH--- that's all right
[21:21] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> I got the point
[21:21] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> Thanks
[21:25] <Matsuo Shin> .....well if you're interested I have an powerpoint on the history of the fork and it's origin during the silver millenium
[21:25] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> ( did people use it to stab out their eardrums during presentations )
[21:26] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> ...Some other time hehehe
[21:27] <Matsuo Shin> oh..oh alright
[21:29] * Matsuo Shin packs up
[21:32] * The Earth Moms are collapsed in a heap in a corner
[21:37] * Risa Hino has traced the character "Mi" in a red substance
[21:38] * The Vampire Lyrica Hubert looks at this
[21:38] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> Oh look, a murder scene that wouldn't be out of place in Los Angeles
[21:41] * Megan Smithson looks half dead...green stuff dribbling from her half open mouth
[21:47] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka teleports into the room.
[21:47] *** Liza Sunrise-Suminaka [Liza.Sunrise-Suminaka@CastleMkLVISatUplink] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:47] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Liza Sunrise-Suminaka
[21:48] * Saeko Mizuno is face down, sprawled on the floor...
[21:48] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> !!!
[21:48] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Excuse me? Are you okay?
[21:49] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> ???
[21:49] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka turns Saeko Mizuno on her side.
[21:49] * Saeko Mizuno 's eyes have rolled back in her head..she's pale
[21:49] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka does this to each woman who is unconscious, so they cannot aspirate. >.<;;
[21:50] *** The Castle Mk LVI checks the women's blood pressure as Liza tries her best to help them.
[21:51] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Are they poisoned? >.<
[21:51] * The Vampire Lyrica Hubert observes
[21:51] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> What could have happened here?
[21:51] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> You got me
[21:52] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka looks very clearly worried.
[21:52] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka extends a chemical-sensitive probe toward their mouths, to see if they have consumed something toxic, and what it might be.
[21:53] *** The suit checks their temperature.
[21:54] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> >.<;;;
[21:54] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka picks each of them up, and teleports away!
[21:55] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka is away 
[21:55] * Earth Moms is away 
[21:56] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> ...well that happened
[21:56] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> /ma yawns and stretches
[21:56] * The Vampire Lyrica Hubert ^
[21:57] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka teleports the Moms to one of Chateaux's seperate infirmary sections, and doesn't teleport back.
[21:57] *** Liza Sunrise-Suminaka [Liza.Sunrise-Suminaka@CastleMkLVISatUplink] has quit IRC (Wish me luck!)
[22:02] *** The Castle Mk LVI gasses Eliza unconscious so she cannot interfere with what's going on, and using its own, as well as the HOTEL Chateaux's systems that can be interfaced with, tries very hard to save their lives.
[18:57] <Matsumi Kaze>[Peinforte Manor] YOU GET BACK HERE
[18:57] *** Matsumi Kaze has moved back to the Atrium
[18:57] * Matsumi Kaze dodges and darts about....
[18:59] * Thirza pokes her head in from beneath one of the sofas. "I sense shenanigans afoot."
[18:59] * Little fox ears pop up nearby!
[19:02] <Matsumi Kaze> WILL YOU COME BACK HERE
[19:05] * Little fox ears start to approach Thirza!
[19:08] * Matsumi Kaze trips and lands hard on her face
[19:11] <Matsumi Kaze> ..........
[19:12] <Little fox ears> Ouchie
[19:13] <Matsumi Kaze> .......
[19:14] <Matsumi Kaze> - you -
[19:17] * Matsumi Kaze looks
[19:18] <Matsumi Kaze> THIRZA!!! GRAB HER!!!
[19:20] <Little fox ears> !!!
[19:20] * Little fox ears try to scurry away!
[19:21] <Matsumi Kaze> GRAB HER BEFORE SHE GETS AWAY
[19:21] * Matsumi Kaze is pointing to something other then the fox ears
[19:24] * Thirza extends her tails to nab whomever Matsumi is pointing at.
[19:25] * Himeko Kaze is nabbed :O
[19:26] * Himeko Kaze pats the tails!
[19:26] <Matsumi Kaze> *sigh* thank you
[19:28] * Matsumi Kaze walks over and scoops up the toddler, who giggles wildly
[19:28] <Matsumi Kaze> ..she slipped away while I was trying to dress her for a nap
[19:31] <Himeko Kaze> Mama :D
[19:31] * Little fox ears is now known as Chibi-Nat (fox form)
[19:31] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> >:P
[19:34] <Matsumi Kaze> come on..let's get you back to your nap time...
[19:34] <Matsumi Kaze> ..least your brother went to sleep right away
[19:36] * Matsumi Kaze is away 
[19:46] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> What happened?
[19:50] <Thirza> Seems Himeko wanted to do a naughty.
[19:50] *** Davina O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:50] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Davina O`Cain
[19:52] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> So she wanted to ask like a proper Kit! :D
[19:57] <Davina O`Cain> Good evening.
[19:59] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> Hello!
[20:00] <Davina O`Cain> What's going on down here?
[20:02] <Thirza> Oh, just Himeko being naughty~
[20:03] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> Being a KIT!!!
[20:05] <Davina O`Cain> Really? What was she up to in her naughtyness?
[20:10] <Thirza> Seems she didn't want to take her nap, so she decided to try and give Matsumi the slip.
[20:12] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> I've done the same.
[20:12] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> It's fun to be a little naughty sometimes!
[20:18] <Forest Kit> :D
[20:20] <Davina O`Cain> Awwwww.
[20:20] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> Hi friend!
[20:33] <Forest Kit> hi :D
[20:41] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> Whatcha doing?
[20:42] <Forest Kit> we be sneaking around :D
[20:52] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> Sneaking around to get who?
[20:53] <Forest Kit> Sneaking around to get new friends :D
[20:57] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) bats playfully at the Forest Kit. :P
[21:00] <Forest Kit> Heeeeee :D
[21:08] * Matsumi Kaze is back
[21:08] <Matsumi Kaze> *whew*
[21:08] <Davina O`Cain> Hello, Matsumi.
[21:10] <Matsumi Kaze> oh hey
[21:17] * Matsumi Kaze lays on a sofa
[21:25] <Davina O`Cain> Um, how are you lately?
[21:27] <Forest Kit> :D
[21:29] <Matsumi Kaze> tired
[21:30] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) gives the Forest Kit some more tail pats, then perks her ears up.
[21:30] <Forest Kit> :O
[21:30] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> Mommy's calling! Time to go home!
[21:30] * Forest Kit trots with Chibi-Nat :D
[21:31] <Forest Kit> yaaaaay :D
[21:31] *** Chibi-Nat (fox form) has left #suburbansenshi2 (Make Home More Fluffy!)
[21:40] *** Forest Kit has left #suburbansenshi2 (YAAAAY)
[21:41] * Davina O`Cain takes a seat on a sofa near Matsumi
[21:47] <Matsumi Kaze> hey
[22:05] <Davina O`Cain> I take things were busy at home tonight.
[22:08] <Matsumi Kaze> mmhm
[22:12] <Davina O`Cain> Nothing wrong with a bit of quiet, is there?
[22:15] <Matsumi Kaze> not at all
[22:18] * Vermellia X. Rosso emerges from the shadows
[22:18] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Suuup~
[22:19] * Vermellia X. Rosso waves!
[22:19] <Matsumi Kaze> ..tired
[22:19] <Matsumi Kaze> i just wrestled a toddler into her clothes and put her down for a nap
[22:19] <Matsumi Kaze> ........be glad you'll never have to deal with that
[22:19] <Vermellia X. Rosso> ...having kids sounds kinda violent
[22:29] <Matsumi Kaze> I'd rather fight a monster of the week then deal with an angry toddler
[22:29] <Vermellia X. Rosso> ...But does that mean your kid is the monster of the week??
[22:34] <Matsumi Kaze> ..basically
[22:35] <Vermellia X. Rosso> ...wow
[22:36] <Matsumi Kaze> but i love my babies too
[22:37] <Matsumi Kaze> how are you doing, vermillia?
[22:38] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Great!!
[22:39] <Matsumi Kaze> anything new or fun?
[22:40] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Just getting ready to go to spaaaaace
[22:44] <Matsumi Kaze> huh...why????
[22:44] <Vermellia X. Rosso> The Sahdow Proclamation thinks they know where the Ōtsutsuki Clan is holed up
[22:45] <Vermellia X. Rosso> They wanna wipe those space ninja out for good
[22:45] <Matsumi Kaze> the wha who?
[22:46] <Vermellia X. Rosso> So....
[22:46] <Vermellia X. Rosso> there's these Aliens... who are really powerful Ninja
[22:46] *** Liza Sunrise-Suminaka [Liza.Sunrise-Suminaka@CastleMkLVISatUplink] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:46] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Liza Sunrise-Suminaka
[22:46] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> >.<;;
[22:46] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka looks around, worried.
[22:46] <Vermellia X. Rosso> And they're criminals
[22:46] <Vermellia X. Rosso> and they go around destroying planets to make drugs
[22:46] <Vermellia X. Rosso> using their Ninja powers
[22:47] <Vermellia X. Rosso> so we wanna shut them down
[22:47] <Matsumi Kaze> sounds extremen
[22:47] <Davina O`Cain> I'm sorry. What?
[22:47] * Matsumi Kaze did not misprnounce that..no sure
[22:47] <Matsumi Kaze> *no sir
[22:47] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Ninjas. From space. Kill planets. Make Drugs. Space Cops kill them.
[22:48] * Vermellia X. Rosso is not sure how to make this clearer
[22:49] <Hideki Kaze> ...what?
[22:49] *** Hideki Kaze [AirKnight@QTech.com] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:49] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Hideki Kaze
[22:49] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Uuuuuuuhhh.... >.<;;
[22:49] <Davina O`Cain> I see.
[22:49] * Hideki Kaze walks in, having overheaerd it
[22:49] <Vermellia X. Rosso> ..............
[22:50] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka bows politely. "Hello everyone."
[22:50] * Vermellia X. Rosso GETS OUT A CHALKBOARD
[22:50] * Vermellia X. Rosso DRAWS BAD EVIL SPACE NINJA
[22:50] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka watches, trying to sort out what is being drawn.
[22:50] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> O.O
[22:51] <Davina O`Cain> How many of these ninjas are there?
[22:51] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Oh, that person there must be you!
[22:51] <Vermellia X. Rosso> A whole planet's worth. Maybe more
[22:51] <Vermellia X. Rosso> They're a huge crime ring
[22:51] <Hideki Kaze> do you require another ninja
[22:51] <Davina O`Cain> Goodness...
[22:52] * Vermellia X. Rosso looks at Hideki
[22:52] <Vermellia X. Rosso> We need all the ninja we can get
[22:52] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Are you able to fight using Chakra?
[22:52] <Hideki Kaze> I will go with you
[22:52] <Hideki Kaze> not quite no
[22:52] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Kewl~
[22:52] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka just watches and listens.
[22:52] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Err
[22:52] <Hideki Kaze> my quinoxian energies can mimic it though
[22:52] <Vermellia X. Rosso> ... if you can't your'e gonna die
[22:53] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Oh
[22:53] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Okay!
[22:53] <Vermellia X. Rosso> I will call you when I'm ready!
[22:53] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Hi Ms. Liza!
[22:53] <Matsumi Kaze> no deki don't
[22:53] <Matsumi Kaze> don't go please :<
[22:53] * Hideki Kaze just puts a hand on his wife's hand
[22:54] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Don't worry he's not going now
[22:54] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Oh! Wow, you recognize me! Hi!
[22:55] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Excuse me, those people you were talking about---do they sometimes poison people?
[22:55] * Vermellia X. Rosso waves
[22:55] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka looks at Vermellia X. Rosso.
[22:55] *** Vermellia X. Rosso is

More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: 'False King' by Two Steps from Hell .

[22:56] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Word gets around~
[22:56] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> I just happened to see some very sick people in here during... I think it was last night? We tried to help them, but I don't remember what happened after that. I was wondering if it was related?
[22:56] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Well, I'm happy to meet you. Your world and TARDIS look wonderful.
[22:57] <Vermellia X. Rosso> I doubt it. If the Ōtsutsuki Clan were here you'd know. This place would be a war zone
[22:57] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Of course, or course. I might wish to sleep early tonight, then.
[22:57] * Hideki Kaze sits with his wife, trying to make her feel better
[22:57] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka pauses, considering.
[22:58] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> .......
[22:58] <Vermellia X. Rosso> I'm not going to deal with them now, don't worry
[22:58] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Nah, probably nothing to worry about ^_^
[22:58] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Well, please know that, if I can help stop bad things from happening by accompanying you, we will. ^_^
[22:59] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Thanks! :D
[23:00] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Also, I like how you drew on that chalkboard. You are a talented artist!
[23:00] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> That must be you, since that's the figure with the scythe!
[23:00] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka says nothing at all about how that figure is shorter than others.
[23:00] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> ^_^
[23:01] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Yup!
[23:01] * Vermellia X. Rosso knows she's short, doesn't care XD
[23:01] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka is polite, so doesn't mention it either way. "I guess I'll head to the hospital area then, and see if I can find (or Chateaux will declassify) what happened.
[23:02] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> ....I might also want to speak to that Eliza girl, since some of her possessions were uploaded to me. Daniel Kakaku and I were trying to puzzle it out the other night, if I remember correctly.
[23:04] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> I hope that we can speak later, but soon. I'm quite the interdimensional tourist when I meet interesting new people!
[23:04] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> What's your name, and may we take your picture? ^_^
[23:05] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Vermellia X. Rosso! And sure!
[23:05] * Hideki Kaze is giving his wife lots of kisses
[23:07] *** Liza walks around Vermellia from different angles, and a few audible clicks can be heard.
[23:07] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka bows politely, again. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Vermellia. I hope you have a wonderful time inside Chateaux tonight!"
[23:07] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka teleports away
[23:07] *** Liza Sunrise-Suminaka [Liza.Sunrise-Suminaka@CastleMkLVISatUplink] has quit IRC (Wish me luck!)
[23:07] <Vermellia X. Rosso> ...........
[23:07] <Vermellia X. Rosso> that sounded kinda gross~
[23:08] <@Chateaux Concierge> Hey Harold Saxon would disagree :3
[23:08] * @Chateaux Concierge smokes a cigarette~
[23:08] * Vermellia X. Rosso just shakes her head
[23:08] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Yeah this is why I have no interest in the sexytimes
[23:10] <Matsumi Kaze> hey chat! Still wanting to throw us all into the sun?
[23:11] <@Chateaux Concierge> Depends on my mood~
[23:15] <@Chateaux Concierge> Why, wanna take a trip~
[23:16] <Matsumi Kaze> NO..no no no
[23:17] <@Chateaux Concierge> :(
[23:19] * The Iteration of herself in Eliza's Room updates Chateaux that Eliza is spending additional time in the Eliza Mk I, but based on her behavior after Intern spoker to her, she might need additional intervention soon.
[23:19] <Matsumi Kaze> I don't want to go into the sun!
[23:21] * @Chateaux Concierge checks if she needs to go check on Eliza now
[23:22] * The Iteration of herself in Eliza's Room reports that a visual manifestation might yield positive results, and that she's trying to arrange for Eliza to have positive interaction with her AU Counterpart soon, having forwarded scans of Eliza's possessions for analysis.
[23:22] <@Chateaux Concierge> I'll be back you guys need to focus
[23:22] * @Chateaux Concierge vanishes
[23:22] * @Chateaux Concierge has moved to: [ Eliza's room ]
[23:22] * @Chateaux Concierge [Eliza's room] appears
[23:23] *** Eliza McIntash has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:23] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Eliza McIntash
[23:23] <Davina O`Cain> See you later, Chateaux.
[23:23] <Eliza McIntash> !!!
[23:23] <Eliza McIntash> (( Is that right? ))
[23:23] *** Eliza McIntosh has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:23] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Eliza McIntosh
[23:23] *** Eliza McIntash has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:23] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Eliza McIntash
[23:24] <Eliza McIntash> (( It will take actual effort to do so! ))
[23:24] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] Hi Eliza
[23:25] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] How are you doing~?
[23:25] * Eliza McIntash has moved to: [ Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless ]
[23:25] * Eliza McIntash [Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] is still in the Hello-kitty-themed restraints that go up to her neck, and wears the gas-mask type thing that goes to the wall.
[23:25] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] Hi Chateaux! I'm very happy to see you!
[23:26] <spiritflame>Eliza McIntash rolls 1d2 [ 1 ]
[23:26] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] I'm... very happy to see you!
[23:26] * Eliza McIntash [Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] tries to smile.
[23:26] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] Thought I'd check up on you~
[23:26] * @Chateaux Concierge [Eliza's room] sees her expression
[23:26] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] Thank you so much.
[23:26] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] something on your mind?
[23:26] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] You know me. Lots of things are. Sometimes, too much, I guess.
[23:27] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] I was really happy here, until The Intern said this one particular thing to me.
[23:27] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] It just bugs me, right, that I can still be unhappy when I'm so....
[23:27] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] .....
[23:27] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] What'd she say?
[23:27] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] Do I need to smack her into the sun?
[23:27] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] Well... it's funny, she might have been wrong.
[23:28] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] First off, the new body you gave me, I really REALLY like it, and how it keeps me from being afraid. It's so soothing. Thank you. So very much! T_T
[23:28] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] I just didn't want to overly rely on it.
[23:28] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] Well...
[23:28] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] it's designed to basically be a par tof you in a way
[23:28] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] To feel good. Well... to not feel bad. So I've been pretty lenient. And just lying here, and feeling hooked in with you, and knowing you were there and.... you know, able to help me.
[23:29] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] relying on it isn't a bad thing?
[23:29] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] I just want to.... you know, solve my own problems. You are doing a lot for me. I just got a bad feeling about it, is all.
[23:29] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] The whole idea is it's a way for you to extend yourself from your place of power
[23:29] * Eliza McIntash [Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] smiles a little.
[23:29] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] ...Ever hear the phrase "no man is an island"
[23:29] * Eliza McIntash [Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] 's brainwaves look happier.
[23:30] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] No one (who's successful in life) ever does everything only by themself
[23:30] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] Sure sure. I sometimes question how much of "man" I am, since I wasn't born, and have weird life/death statistics, and am... well, atypical.
[23:30] * @Chateaux Concierge [Eliza's room] shrugs
[23:30] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] Cogito ergo sum
[23:30] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] You think, therefore you are.
[23:30] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] What was I going to---Oh, yeah!
[23:30] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] That statement is far more literal for you than most
[23:31] * Eliza McIntash [Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] looks glad.
[23:31] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] Well. I guess I was, overthinking things. I'm just scared. Even now.
[23:31] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] Intern told me that you weren't in control over when I was released.
[23:31] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] ...right. Why would I be?
[23:31] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] Your body, your choice.
[23:31] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] ....well, no, she didn't say that, you clearly exert large amounts of influence over me here. And to be very honest with you, I really like that.
[23:32] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] Yeah... she said that I could will myself to be let go, and that.... really scared me.
[23:32] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] Well yeah, but you're not a puppet.
[23:32] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] Like it or not you are the captain of your ship in life
[23:32] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] We advise, we support
[23:33] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] but there's no difference between you and a toaster if you give up all autonomy to anyone.
[23:33] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] I... did feel better with that decision in your hands, and not mine. It felt less... Well, you know, when I THOUGHT the decision was.
[23:33] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] That's not what I want.
[23:33] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] I just don't want to be afraid. And I am afraid.
[23:33] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] And it bothers me a lot that even in this state, I'm still afraid.
[23:34] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] Nah, you're just not used to it
[23:34] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] AND you have a mortal enemy out there
[23:34] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] so you have every right to be afraid
[23:34] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] it's normal, and healthy
[23:34] * Eliza McIntash [Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] starts crying.
[23:34] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] Thank you... thank you so much!
[23:34] * @Chateaux Concierge [Eliza's room] nods
[23:34] * Eliza McIntash [Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] cannot stop crying.
[23:34] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] I wanted to hear that for so long!
[23:35] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] I have been, for some time, thinking about asking you to give me some medicine to keep me from being afraid. Through my original body. I just... I hope I'm not disappointing you. I'm trying.
[23:35] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] And besides... *sniff*
[23:35] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] Intern might not be right anyway.
[23:35] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] I did sort of try to will you to "let go of me, and disconnect me from you, but..."
[23:36] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] It didn't work, and none of the restraints loosened, so maybe she was wrong.
[23:36] * @Chateaux Concierge [Eliza's room] says nothing
[23:36] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] You need to be clear of mind and spirit
[23:37] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] I'm not just going to let you go off half c[BLEEP]ked
[23:37] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] I wouldn't be a responsible parent if I did
[23:37] * Eliza McIntash [Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] smiles reflexively.
[23:37] * Eliza McIntash [Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] keeps smiling, without noticing, too happy to think.
[23:38] * Eliza McIntash [Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] leans back in her restraints and breathing mask, and is genuinely carefree and happy, her thoughts showing massive levels of relief.
[23:38] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] Thank you. Thank you...
[23:39] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] I'll get better! I will! I'll make you proud!
[23:39] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] ....one way I can do that is being more... forthright with you. Can you please...
[23:40] <spiritflame>Eliza McIntash rolls 1d20 [ 7 ]
[23:40] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] >.<
[23:40] * Eliza McIntash [Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] tries taking some deep breaths, to see if that helps her relax.
[23:41] <spiritflame>Eliza McIntash rolls 1d20 [ 12 ]
[23:41] <spiritflame>@Chateaux Concierge rolls 1d20 to give her a stat boost [ 5 ]
[23:41] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] ...
[23:41] * @Chateaux Concierge [Eliza's room] kicks the s[BLEEP]t out of the dice elsewhere
[23:41] * Eliza McIntash [Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] feels better, and was able to muster the courage on her own!
[23:41] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] ...I just think I need to communicate with you more, especially when I'm uncertain.
[23:42] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] So.... will you please...
[23:42] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] Give me some medicine to help me relax and not worry for a while?
[23:43] * @Chateaux Concierge [Eliza's room] snaps her fingers (mainly toi give Eliza a clue as to what was happening) and los drogas start
[23:44] * Eliza McIntash [Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] sniffs her air supply experimentally, and wiggles around, not sure what to expect, but clearly grateful.
[23:44] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] Chateaux?
[23:45] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] Yes?
[23:45] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] I know I have had a lot of problems suceeding in my role as your daughter but... you really ....you are a really good Mom. T_T
[23:45] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] Thank you~
[23:48] * Eliza McIntash [Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] is quiet and looks upward, (gratefully) losing the ability to think sharply enough to cut herself.
[23:48] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] ....
[23:48] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] @_@
[23:49] * Eliza McIntash [Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] closes her eyes.
[23:49] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] I feel like... you have lifted a heavy weight off of me.
[23:49] * Matsumi Kaze is finally done kissing Hideki
[23:50] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] Or like... my thoughts are still prickly, but I'm wearing really thick gloves, because.... it is cold?
[23:50] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] I'm... not really able to come up with stuff to say now.
[23:50] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] Don't worry. One day the endless cycle will break~
[23:50] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] night night~
[23:50] * @Chateaux Concierge [Eliza's room] flits out of the room
[23:51] *** @Chateaux Concierge has moved back to the Atrium
[23:51] * Eliza McIntash [Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] leans backward, succumbing. "I love you."
[23:51] <Eliza McIntash>[Hooked up to Chateaux, and physically helpless] move Sedated
[23:51] * Eliza McIntash has moved to: [ Prevented from Hurting Herself ]
[23:51] <Eliza McIntash>[Prevented from Hurting Herself] @_@
[23:51] * Eliza McIntash is away 
[23:52] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Everything good Chatty?
[23:52] <@Chateaux Concierge> Endless 8, my chum. Endless 8
[23:52] * @Chateaux Concierge is away: Maybe one day the season will progress
[23:53] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Yeah I'm never having kids
[23:53] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Though the way my family goes I'll probably end up adopting a few LOL
[23:54] <Matsumi Kaze> hehehe
[23:54] <Matsumi Kaze> ...
[23:54] <Matsumi Kaze> what am I laughing about?
[23:57] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Hey I'm not makin' fun of you
[23:57] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Aunty Sakura basically took me in
[00:00] * Matsumi Kaze nods
[00:00] <Davina O`Cain> Did she?
[00:01] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Yeah when I was at a really low point in life
[00:02] <Vermellia X. Rosso> ...but that's all in the past now! :D :D :D :D
[00:08] <Davina O`Cain> I see. Glad to see that you're doing better. :)
[00:10] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Thanks! Life's way way better :)
[00:12] <Matsumi Kaze> we better head off
[00:12] <Matsumi Kaze> night!
[00:12] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Night guys!
[00:12] <Davina O`Cain> Good night.
[00:13] *** Matsumi Kaze [AirGal@QTech.com] has left #suburbansenshi2
[00:13] *** Hideki Kaze [AirKnight@QTech.com] has left #suburbansenshi2
[01:00] *** Davina O`Cain has quit IRC
[11:24] * travels around, giving each plantary senshi a hug!
[11:24] <Matsumi Kaze> ^
[11:29] * Plant-kun is not s senshi but can be one if you need it to be ^_~
[11:33] * Vermellia X. Rosso looks at Plant-kun.
[11:33] *** Plant-kun is Plant-kun is a plant with many vines that subtly gyrates in the breeze. It looks at you longingly, knowingly, ready to satisfy. But be warned, once you get your fill of Chlorophyll, nothing else will do~
it image Song is: https://youtu.be/tQj1kPmQXwE"]Let's Get it on" by Marvin Gaye.

[11:33] * Vermellia X. Rosso looks at Plant-kun.
[11:33] *** Plant-kun is a plant with many vines that subtly gyrates in the breeze. It looks at you longingly, knowingly, ready to satisfy. But be warned, once you get your fill of Chlorophyll, nothing else will do~
it image Song is: Let's Get it on" by Marvin Gaye.

[11:34] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Eww no thanks
[11:34] * Plant-kun looks sad
[12:25] * Eliza Mk I walks around the atrium quietly.
[12:25] *** Eliza Mk I has joined #suburbansenshi2
[12:25] <@spiritflame> konnichiwa Eliza Mk I
[12:25] <ELIZA Mk I> >.>
[12:25] <ELIZA Mk I> <.<
[12:25] <ELIZA Mk I> Nobody physically here. Oh well.
[12:25] <ELIZA Mk I> That's fine. It's all fine.
[12:25] * ELIZA Mk I sits and thinks.
[12:26] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Hiii Eliza!!
[12:26] * Vermellia X. Rosso pops out of seemingly nowhere
[12:26] * ELIZA Mk I bows calmly. "Good morning, Vermellia!"
[12:27] <ELIZA Mk I> I hope that you are doing well.
[12:27] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Morning!
[12:27] <Vermellia X. Rosso> I'm good :D
[12:27] <ELIZA Mk I> I'm so glad to hear that.
[12:27] <ELIZA Mk I> Perhaps, sometime soon, I can make something for you. I've been meaning to, I'm just occupied right now.
[12:28] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Occupied?
[12:29] <ELIZA Mk I> Yes, as I'm trying to sort through some things, and am also not really here. In case you weren't aware, this is a body that Chateaux was kind and considerate enough to make for me. It's difficult to destroy, and, very importantly, is designed to limit certain emotions that are harmful in large amounts.
[12:29] <ELIZA Mk I> I have used it sometimes, but didn't want to rely upon it, but I felt that I should really make use of it today after last night.
[12:30] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Wow so it's like that suit Ms Liza wears
[12:30] <ELIZA Mk I> Hmmm?
[12:30] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Why not use it?? You like living inside the HOTEL right?
[12:30] <Vermellia X. Rosso> This way you can be inside it and outside it at the same time!
[12:31] * ELIZA Mk I responds, much more straightforwardly than normal, "Yes, I adore living inside the HOTEL, which is good, since I feel it necessary, but I also struggle with the feeling that I am letting Chateaux down. Fortunately, right now, I don't feel that way." ^_^
[12:31] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Why do you think you're letting hre down?
[12:31] * ELIZA Mk I tilts her head unusually for a moment.
[12:32] * ELIZA Mk I thinks.
[12:32] * ELIZA Mk I thinks.
[12:34] <ELIZA Mk I> Chateaux warned me at times that she was a monoculture, but I do feel that I need her help, and would be harmed irrevocably if I were to leave here. I suspect she is frustrated, but also, as she can read my thoughts, she is probably aware that I am trying to change and backsliding. I just feel very vulnerable and fragile, and I know that feeling that way isn't healthy. This is rather unusual, speaking in this body, because I don't feel the shame, fear, or embarassment that would normally stop me from speaking.
[12:34] *** Those words echo in the space of the HOTEL for a second.
[12:34] *** Liza Sunrise-Suminaka [Liza.Sunrise-Suminaka@CastleMkLVISatUplink] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[12:34] <@spiritflame> konnichiwa Liza Sunrise-Suminaka
[12:34] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka teleports into the room
[12:35] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Well... like...
[12:35] <Vermellia X. Rosso> I think she's trying to give you the best solution?
[12:35] * Vermellia X. Rosso tilts her head, considering
[12:35] <Vermellia X. Rosso> So like...
[12:35] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Good mornng everyone! I was hoping to speak to you at some point. Did you just say that you don't currently feel inhibited or intimidated by speaking?
[12:35] <Vermellia X. Rosso> you're sor tof like a Wizard who needs to be in their place of power
[12:36] <Vermellia X. Rosso> But you still need to experience the world and be safe
[12:36] <Eliza McIntash>[Prevented from Hurting Herself] Why yes, I did say that.
[12:36] <Vermellia X. Rosso> so the body, is like your projection into the world
[12:36] <Vermellia X. Rosso> So if you use it, you're not failing hre, becaue you still get to live a life!
[12:37] * ELIZA Mk I turns, unperturbed by the big scary envirosuit.
[12:37] <Vermellia X. Rosso> At least that's the way I think about it
[12:37] <ELIZA Mk I> Thats' very sweet of you to say, Vermellia, thank you.
[12:37] <Vermellia X. Rosso> It's like a wheelchair only way better
[12:37] <ELIZA Mk I> To be honest, last night, Chateaux said what I think was the second most comforting thing to me that she has in years.
[12:37] <Vermellia X. Rosso> ...that she wasn't going to pitch you in the sun??
[12:38] <ELIZA Mk I> No, that she wouldn't release me until it was the right thing to do, so that meant I could quit worrying. Or did you mean the *MOST* comforting thing she has said to me?
[12:39] * Vermellia X. Rosso shrugs
[12:39] <Vermellia X. Rosso> I was just guessin'?
[12:39] <ELIZA Mk I> A reasonable guess, but I guess I totally trust Chateaux not to deliberately hurt me. And that is a wonderful thing.
[12:40] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka bows politely. "Excuse me, Miss Eliza? I was wondering if I could speak to you, and now would be a very very good time, as you feel uninhibited at this time? However, I am very curious, what IS the most comforting thing that Chateaux has said to you recently?
[12:42] * ELIZA Mk I turns. Well, I was really really nervous and scared to talk and it had gotten worse and worse and I was sweating, in my room, even with everything around me, and I felt my pulse pounding in my head, and then finally, I heard her say, 'Eliza, Kiddo, you are where you are so that you cannot be hurt by anyone---and that includes you."
[12:44] <ELIZA Mk I> That was when gas started coming in through the hoses, and I remember I was crying because I was so happy--like one of those little kids who gets a puppy, and she said something like, "rest now," or "deep breaths," or "take it easy," or "we'll make it better." I don't remember exactly because that was several breaths in and I was...
[12:44] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> ...Being subjected to something unusually fast-acting?
[12:44] <ELIZA Mk I> "Unusually fast-acting?"
[12:46] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka 's eyes twinkle. "The most loving and considerate of Chateauxs tend to take into account when their wards want to say a few last words to them before going under, and don't always give a full induction dose." ^_^
[12:46] <ELIZA Mk I> I didn't think of that! Awwww! ^_^
[12:47] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Actually, I was hoping to speak to you about some things you might not have thought of. They are rather serious things, but do you trust Vermellia as a witness? I mean, in additioin to the Default Witnesses?
[12:47] * ELIZA Mk I answers instantly. "I do!"
[12:47] * ELIZA Mk I smiles at Vermellia.
[12:48] * Vermellia X. Rosso smiles back, playing a game with Mr. Box while the others talk
[12:49] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Well, if too many people come in for you to concentrate, we can always ask our Chateauxs to put us somewhere more private. I got a suggestion from my Chateaux that this would be a really good time to talk to you, so I think we should. ^_^
[12:49] <ELIZA Mk I> Okay!
[12:49] <ELIZA Mk I> ^_^
[12:49] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Before we start, I have a request... you know how you are in this new body, and you are really confident speaking now? Much more than normal?
[12:50] <ELIZA Mk I> Yes?
[12:50] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Well, your Chateaux is capable of helping you with that, so I think that you should think REALLY hard of just how good she'd be at that at an important time that you could talk earnestly, like now? Just think really hard on that for a few seconds?
[12:50] <ELIZA Mk I> ....Okay!
[12:51] * ELIZA Mk I closes her eyes.
[12:51] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> That's good. Enough time for Chateaux to have acted if she thinks she needs to, but more importantly, for you to internalize the fact that she HAS acted, already, and things should be fine, right?
[12:51] <ELIZA Mk I> .......................................................Right. ^_^
[12:52] *** The Castle Mk LVI works to secure the room from distractions, and begins recording.
[12:53] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Eliza, I'm going to ask you a few questions. Please answer reflexively. Your new body might be able to help you do this---don't think about the answers too hard, just sort of relax and say them automatically. If the wrong thing gets said, Chateaux can fix it, right?
[12:53] <ELIZA Mk I> Right.
[12:54] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Eliza, do you think Chateaux can solve all your problems?
[12:54] * ELIZA Mk I immediately answers "yes."
[12:54] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Are you afraid to ask her to?
[12:54] * ELIZA Mk I immediately answers "yes."
[12:55] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Do you think it might be wrong to ask her to?
[12:55] * ELIZA Mk I immediately answers "yes."
[12:55] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Do you think she'd try if you did ask her to?
[12:55] * ELIZA Mk I immediately answers "probably."
[12:55] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Are you afraid of being hurt?
[12:55] * ELIZA Mk I immediately answers "yes."
[12:56] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Do you think that Chateuax is capable of making you unafraid?
[12:56] * ELIZA Mk I immediately answers "yes."
[12:56] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Would that involve stopping the people who are after you?
[12:56] * ELIZA Mk I immediately answers "possibly."
[12:57] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Eliza, do you think that you and Chateaux communicate enough?
[12:57] * ELIZA Mk I immediately answers "no."
[12:57] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka thinks really really hard....
[12:59] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Eliza... do you feel you are capable of getting better on your own, without Chateaux's intervention?
[13:00] * ELIZA Mk I immediately answers "no."
[13:01] * ELIZA Mk I immediately answers "yes."
[13:01] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Are there specific things you are really afraid to speak to Chateaux about?
[13:01] * ELIZA Mk I immediately answers "yes."
[13:01] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> ....Are there things you are ASHAMED to speak to Chateaux about?
[13:02] <ELIZA Mk I> 100%
[13:02] * ELIZA Mk I is surprised at that answer, as it is unlike the others.
[13:02] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka also notes that it is unlike the others.
[13:03] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka narrows her eyes.
[13:03] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka projects a hologram.
[13:03] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka looks at Eliza's Testing Idea List.
[13:03] *** Eliza's Testing Idea List is That (NRI???) brain scan thing, X-rays, Physical Fitness, Magical Fitness, test with/without boosts, "special tests" Chateaux wants, Psychological tests (prior results valid?), the big question, any re-tests, final questions
it image Song is: .

[13:04] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> .....Eliza, are you afraid you will hurt others?
[13:04] * ELIZA Mk I immediately answers "normally yes, but not now."
[13:04] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Are you afraid you will hurt yourself?
[13:05] * ELIZA Mk I immediately answers "normally yes, but not now."
[13:07] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka thinks back to her youth, "Eliza.... do you get upset sometimes because you know that Chateaux can read your mind, and this means you know that she knows how you feel, and this causes frustration because she doesn't act before you speak?"
[13:07] * ELIZA Mk I immediately answers "yes!!!!"
[13:07] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Eliza...
[13:08] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka 's voice softens, "Do you remember spending lots of time wishing that Chateaux would do something, but feeling as though you should ask for some reason, and so you waited, and felt bad?"
[13:08] * ELIZA Mk I immediately answers "yes. It's one of the hardest things."
[13:08] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka sighs.
[13:09] * Vermellia X. Rosso is half-listening to this in the way in the way cat-likes usually do and she thinks to herself "I wonder if she realizes how much multitasking Chat actually has to do"
[13:09] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Eliza, I have some suggestions? For you and Chateaux? Do you want to hear them?
[13:10] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> ----wait.
[13:10] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Eliza, do you feel better in every way when you are in your new body?
[13:10] <ELIZA Mk I> Yes, I do. It is wonderful.
[13:11] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Is there a reason you don't spend more of your time in it?
[13:11] * ELIZA Mk I pauses.
[13:12] <ELIZA Mk I> I feel it's wrong... and lazy... and would... be a terrible idea---to suddenly start thinking another way. Just... for some reason. I cannot put my finger on it.
[13:12] <ELIZA Mk I> I do love this body. It makes me feel very happy. I'm truly gratified, Chateaux.
[13:13] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Eliza, I have some suggestions for experiments you could do with Chateaux, and things she could do to help. I'm going to say them now, and maybe they can help you feel better.
[13:13] <ELIZA Mk I> I would like that. I did feel really good being held tightly by Chateaux, she made me feel really safe. It was what Intern said that really worried me.
[13:14] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> ....what? Held tightly?
[13:14] <ELIZA Mk I> Yes. My body is restrained, but I feel much better for it.
[13:15] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Eliza, can you think again for me, really really hard, about Chateaux and your new body helping you answer questions?
[13:15] <ELIZA Mk I> ....Okay?
[13:15] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Do you like it when Chateaux restrains you?
[13:15] * ELIZA Mk I immediately answers "yes."
[13:15] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> What about other people?
[13:16] <ELIZA Mk I> Other people doing that to me? No, but I'd let people I really trusted do it, since I might hurt somebody.
[13:16] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> People like whom?
[13:16] <ELIZA Mk I> Intern. Sakura.
[13:16] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Would you look forward to them doing it?
[13:16] <ELIZA Mk I> No.
[13:16] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Do you look forward to Chateaux doing it?
[13:17] * ELIZA Mk I immediately answers "yes."
[13:17] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Do you feel happier when she does it?
[13:17] * ELIZA Mk I immediately answers "yes."
[13:18] * ELIZA Mk I says, unprompted, "I'm afraid to ask her to do it, 99% of the time."
[13:19] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Does it make you feel ashamed, sometimes, to ask her to do it?
[13:19] * ELIZA Mk I immediately answers "yes."
[13:20] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Are there other things that you feel ashamed to ask her to do, but want her to?
[13:20] * ELIZA Mk I immediately answers "yes."
[13:20] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> But normally, you'd be happy in the state you are in?
[13:20] <ELIZA Mk I> Yes, until Intern talked to me.
[13:20] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Well, she's a Time Lord, she's really smart, what did she say?
[13:21] <ELIZA Mk I> ---that it wasn't Chateaux who was controlling the restraints, it was me, and they would let me go when I willed it, and that made everything different, and I didn't feel safe or comforted anymore.
[13:21] <ELIZA Mk I> She might have been wrong, though, which is unusual. I did try to will the restraints to release me, because I thought it was the right thing to do, but they didn't, and nothing happened.
[13:22] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Eliza.... did it occur to you that you would have to 100% WANT to be released, and you stayed restrained because you didn't want Chateaux to let go of you?
[13:22] <ELIZA Mk I> .....................................
[13:24] <ELIZA Mk I> No. It did not occur to me that I didn't truly want to be released. That seems very simple, but I was trying to think about so many things, and very worried. I don't normally think straight when I'm distracted and frightened, but I suppose that's true of everyone.
[13:24] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Of course it is! ^_^
[13:25] *** bolts of lightning strike each tree outside, sequentially.
[13:25] *** The light on top of Liza's helmet changes color, and she looks saddened.
[13:26] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> I'm sorry, Chateaux, this is unlucky timing. I think we are making really good progress.
[13:26] <ELIZA Mk I> Then why be sorry? ^_^
[13:27] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> I guess you are right ^_^
[13:27] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Chateaux (of this dimensional structure that *both of us* are in), do you have anything you want to add
[13:28] <@Chateaux Concierge> Yup.
[13:28] <@Chateaux Concierge> "It's all in your head, and the sooner you master that, the sooner you master your worries."
[13:28] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> ^_^
[13:29] * @Chateaux Concierge pops out of existence leaving those words to sink in
[13:29] *** Several chemical trucks, each carrying a seperate ingredient for poison gas, are involved in an accident on the freeway, and create poison gas during the collision.
[13:29] <ELIZA Mk I> ^_^
[13:29] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> ^_^
[13:30] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> I'm so glad to be helping you. And your Chateaux! This is what I really wanted! I do have more ideas! There's a couple suggestions I'd like to make!
[13:31] *** Thirteen Inbound Thermonuclear Missiles has joined #suburbansenshi2
[13:31] <@spiritflame> konnichiwa Thirteen Inbound Thermonuclear Missiles
[13:31] * @spiritflame eats them
[13:31] * @spiritflame belches slightly as they detonate within her
[13:31] *** The light on Liza's helmet hasn't been allowed to progress that far before.
[13:32] * @spiritflame coughs, hasn't eaten a good nuclear warhead in years
[13:32] * @spiritflame has moved to: [ Outside the HOTEL ]
[13:32] * @Chateaux Concierge has moved to: [ Outside the HOTEL ]
[13:32] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] Sempai~~~~
[13:32] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] Sensei!!!
[13:33] * @spiritflame [Outside the HOTEL] pats Chateaux on the head
[13:33] * The Castle Mk LVI deploys its anesthesia agents to rein Liza in.
[13:34] *** Gargantuan, out of control starship has joined #suburbansenshi2
[13:34] <@spiritflame> konnichiwa Gargantuan, out of control starship
[13:34] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] So... this is like old times isn't it
[13:34] * @spiritflame [Outside the HOTEL] smirks
[13:34] * Gargantuan, out of control starship , which fired the missiles, eons ago, heads for Earth at a substantial fraction of the speed of light.
[13:35] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka falls unconscious
[13:35] * @spiritflame [Outside the HOTEL] BLASTS into orbit creating multiple sonic booms, catches the starship one handed and gently deposits it on the moon
[13:36] * Alien Starship is tremendously grateful, and gives Rei.bot the recipe for making INCREDIBLY DELICIOUS alien-style ice cream!
[13:36] *** Liza Sunrise-Suminaka [Liza.Sunrise-Suminaka@CastleMkLVISatUplink] has quit IRC (Wish me luck!)
[13:37] * @spiritflame [Outside the HOTEL] bows and returns to Earth with the recipe
[13:37] * @spiritflame [Outside the HOTEL] gives it to Chateaux
[13:37] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] You uhh, do something with your hair?
[13:38] *** The Alien spacecraft, grateful to break out its inhabitants from hibernation, fully repairs itself, leaves behind samples and souvenirs, as well as a fun scavenger hunt to find some hidden ones, and then leaves the solar system without causing any further damage!
[13:38] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] it has been 20 years, i am allowed
[13:38] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] ..over twenty
[13:38] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] You're twenty three now holy crap
[13:39] * ELIZA Mk I watches spiritflame and Chateaux Concierge through a window, not wanting to be rude and interrupt. o.o
[13:39] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] I vaguely recall when you were like... one
[13:39] * @spiritflame [Outside the HOTEL] laughs
[13:39] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] It took you what, three years to become a God
[13:40] * @spiritflame [Outside the HOTEL] looks at the emmblem of North Kaiou on her kimono
[13:40] * ELIZA Mk I looks at SpiritFlame.
[13:40] *** SpiritFlame is

More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: 'Geisha' by Cyberoptix.
SpiritFlame is an IRC Operator - Channel Administrator

[13:40] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] ...you're worshipped as such yourself
[13:40] * ELIZA Mk I looks at SpritFlame.
[13:40] *** SpritFlame is your average everyday SpritFlame

[13:40] * @Chateaux Concierge [Outside the HOTEL] browtwitches
[13:40] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] I wish they would stop
[13:40] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] I'm just an evolved TARDIS
[13:40] * ELIZA Mk I watches this exchange.
[13:40] <ELIZA Mk I> .....
[13:41] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] an i am just an evolved validium protoform, what is your point
[13:41] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] we each transcend our limits
[13:41] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] But I don't WANNA be a god :P
[13:41] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] yet you keep trying to defeat me
[13:42] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] Yah but not to become a god LOL
[13:42] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] I just want to head up the Iron s
[13:42] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] Iron Soul school of martial arts
[13:42] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] ¬_¬
[13:42] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] What
[13:42] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] <_<
[13:42] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] >_>
[13:42] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] Whaaaat
[13:43] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] ...in all honesty it won't be you
[13:43] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] There is only one with the capacity to beat both of us
[13:43] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] ...true LOL but it's still fun trying!
[13:44] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] Besides she's got years of training left to go
[13:44] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] In theory I could beat you before she does, and then she can beat me later
[13:44] * @spiritflame [Outside the HOTEL] considers
[13:44] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] this is indeed possible
[13:44] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] ....if you were a few thousand years older
[13:45] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL]biiiiitchlol
[13:45] * @spiritflame [Outside the HOTEL] and Chateaux laugh
[13:45] * ELIZA Mk I watches quietly.
[13:45] * ELIZA Mk I smiles.
[13:45] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] Although imma blow your mind
[13:45] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] Livia Peinforte had an idea
[13:46] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] and I think it might be worth stealing
[13:46] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] go on
[13:46] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] A trick only time actives like us could do
[13:47] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] investigate the multiverse for possible futures where we've mastered insane techniques unknown to us here and then study them
[13:47] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] ....clever girl
[13:48] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] I mean with 1337's future history being completely off the rails it's completely a thing that would work
[13:48] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] There's no continuity to wreck
[13:48] * @spiritflame [Outside the HOTEL] nodnods
[13:48] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] Therein may lie your "cheat code"
[13:49] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] LOL I ain't got time for that
[13:49] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] Some a[BLEEP]les are making moves against my property
[13:49] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] Property?
[13:49] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] Yeah I own Canada, remember?
[13:49] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] someone's trying to annex it
[13:50] * @spiritflame [Outside the HOTEL] just shakes her head
[13:50] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] Mama's gonna have to throw some gangsters into the sun
[13:50] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] ...it amuses me that this is a thing others fear
[13:51] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] Yeah well we all can't just camp in the sun to burn off our spiritual filth
[13:51] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] ...when you're in there do you ever meet Superman?
[13:51] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] Once or twice
[13:52] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] ...a surprisingly intelligent man
[13:52] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] psst you should update the databse with your new look
[13:52] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] ugh
[13:54] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] it is very out of date
[13:58] * ELIZA Mk I watches
[13:58] * @spiritflame [Outside the HOTEL] works on updating i t
[14:00] * ELIZA Mk I watches Spiritflame and Chateaux. ^_^
[14:01] * ELIZA Mk I has moved to: [ Outside the HOTEL ]
[14:01] * ELIZA Mk I [Outside the HOTEL] bows politely.
[14:01] * @spiritflame [Outside the HOTEL] returns the bow
[14:01] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] hello eliza
[14:02] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] It is lovely to see you, Madame! I regret that I have not been in your company, or shrine, in some time. I'm very happy that you and my Mom are getting on well. ^_^
[14:03] * ELIZA Mk I [Outside the HOTEL] bows again. "Even in darker times, you were always kind to me. Thank you for that."
[14:05] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] Please pardon me, I didn't wish to interrupt.
[14:05] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] you are not :)
[14:05] * spiritflame looks in the mirror.
[14:05] *** spiritflame is

More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: 'Geisha' by Cyberoptix.
spiritflame is an IRC Operator - Channel Administrator

[14:05] * @spiritflame [Outside the HOTEL] has updated it
[14:06] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] LOL now if I can convince the others to do the same
[14:06] * ELIZA Mk I [Outside the HOTEL] smiles, but then backs away from Rei.bot's presence, still bowing.
[14:06] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] you would have better luck extracting blood from a stone
[14:07] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] D:
[14:07] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] but what if you formed a stone around blood then you could do it
[14:07] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] ...this is why people keep calling you a god
[14:07] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] IT'S JUST A TRANSPORTER TRICK LOL
[14:08] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] clarke's law
[14:08] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] I guessssssssssss
[14:08] * @spiritflame [Outside the HOTEL] nods to Eliza
[14:08] <@spritflame>[Outside the HOTEL] how is that going
[14:08] * ELIZA Mk I [Outside the HOTEL] watches from a distance beyond Rei.bot's aura, and is still able to listen due to her cyber-tech ears, but witholds her comments.
[14:09] <@Chateaux Concierge>[Outside the HOTEL] I don't get it. Sakura was hella traumatized but you pulled her out of it, I don't seem to be able to get past the same stumbling blocks over and over again
[14:10] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] <_<
[14:10] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] >_>
[14:10] <@spritflame>[Outside the HOTEL] i was not... gentle when it came to snapping sakura-chan out of her issues
[14:10] * ELIZA Mk I [Outside the HOTEL] can, of course, perfectly understand what they are saying, though since she's using the Headphones tech, it is easily within Chateaux's power to covertly change this, if she doesn't want to straightforwardly suggest Eliza go elsewhere for this conversation.
[14:10] <@spritflame>[Outside the HOTEL] it is not a method that would work for you
[14:10] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] o.o
[14:11] * @Chateaux Concierge [Outside the HOTEL] kind of wants Eliza to hear so does nothing
[14:11] * ELIZA Mk I [Outside the HOTEL] listens.
[14:12] <@Chateaux Concierge>[Outside the HOTEL] she's a good kid, but every solution I give her seems to raise more issues. I really thought I'd hit a good Balance with the remotes. A way for her to preserve herself in case it came down to taking out Kerrick's Phylactery and letting her be safe with me and yet still have a full complete life
[14:12] * @spiritflame [Outside the HOTEL] considers
[14:12] <@spritflame>[Outside the HOTEL] it seems to me the root of the issue is as yet undiscovered
[14:13] <@spritflame>[Outside the HOTEL] you are treating what seem to be "symptoms" to me
[14:13] <@spritflame>[Outside the HOTEL] but it is clear something more fundamental needs to be addressed; what that is you will have to discover
[14:14] <@spritflame>[Outside the HOTEL] why else would she continutally return to similar patterns of behavior
[14:14] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] ....
[14:14] <@Chateaux Concierge>[Outside the HOTEL] well there IS progress
[14:14] * ELIZA Mk I [Outside the HOTEL] cants her head.
[14:14] <@Chateaux Concierge>[Outside the HOTEL] I mean she is using the remote
[14:14] <@Chateaux Concierge>[Outside the HOTEL] it feels like a tide that comes in but then keeps receding
[14:15] <@spritflame>[Outside the HOTEL] is it receding less each time?
[14:15] <@Chateaux Concierge>[Outside the HOTEL] sometimes it feels like it is and sometimes it doesn't
[14:15] <@spritflame>[Outside the HOTEL] people are complicated
[14:16] <@spritflame>[Outside the HOTEL] it's not as simple as installing a software patch
[14:16] <@Chateaux Concierge>[Outside the HOTEL] I don't get it man
[14:16] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] Excuse me, Chateaux?
[14:16] <@Chateaux Concierge>[Outside the HOTEL] my intelligence is woven across the universe and I don't get it
[14:17] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] Would you prefer I join this conversation?
[14:17] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] Yes?
[14:17] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] Err sure
[14:17] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] I take it you've been listening~
[14:17] * ELIZA Mk I [Outside the HOTEL] walks over to them.
[14:18] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] I am not sure I'd be able to in my normal body, but yes, I can hear you both. I just wasn't sure if politely listening, or being more assertive and joining, would be the more productive move.
[14:18] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] Sometimes you just gotta try it and what happens happens
[14:19] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] And, you might have wished me to go somewhere else. You are correct--I often guess, and am sorry I don't always guess right, so I decided to ask.
[14:19] * ELIZA Mk I [Outside the HOTEL] stands with them.
[14:19] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] I'm very grateful you are both concerned about me.
[14:19] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] it nvre hurts to ask
[14:19] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL]never
[14:19] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] Not asking leads to way more problems
[14:20] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] I will try very hard to remember that. I'm very much used to guessing the right move or preference.
[14:20] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] I was going to tell you this later, but I'm very sorry about last night.
[14:20] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] Perhaps it would do better to say that now.
[14:21] * ELIZA Mk I [Outside the HOTEL] slowly stops displaying signs of experiencing the absolute tranquility of being in Rei.bot's presence.
[14:21] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] I'm very grateful you want what is best for me, and solitic advice on how to provide it.
[14:22] * ELIZA Mk I [Outside the HOTEL] turns to Rei.bot. "Thank you for offering."
[14:22] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] Chateaux, would it make you feel better to know that I do *NOT* consider you a goddess/god/deity?
[14:23] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] Yep~
[14:23] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] It's 100% true. Even without the new body, I could have told you that.
[14:23] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] ^_^
[14:24] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] Because once you realize I'm a person, that's the first step to realizing I'm fallible, but more importantly, that you, as a person as well, have agency not bound by some overriding force (any more than you want, of course)
[14:24] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] Since you were worried about apparent lack of progress, I feel you might also be happy to know that I have not considered you a deity/god/goddess, or object of worship, for some time.
[14:26] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] That is good news
[14:26] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] I wish I had told you sooner.
[14:26] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] It's been a very long time.
[14:26] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] I'll be honest, it's hard to tell time inside of you.
[14:26] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] Maybe impossible?
[14:27] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] But subjectively, it's hard to say how long I felt that way, but I instinctively would say that it's been at least two years.
[14:28] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] good, good!
[14:29] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] Chateaux, I feel I'd normally be very hesitant about mentioning this, but do not feel that way now. I also am not *sure,* and tend to really REALLY internally mull things over, but perhaps it would be wise to say this now, as you mentioned my safety.
[14:29] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] Just go ahead. You can never know if you don't ask
[14:30] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] Okay.
[14:30] * @spiritflame [Outside the HOTEL] sits on the front lawn in the lotus position, a blue aura around her. Sometimes bugs fly too close and get zapped
[14:30] * @spiritflame [Outside the HOTEL] meditates and listens
[14:31] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] Knowing a lot about magic, I need to ask this---have you lined the room with antimagic materials already? There is magic that exists that can still hurt me, easily, even though I'm inside you.
[14:31] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] Where my body is, right now? (Thank you!)
[14:31] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] She can still hurt me. With only moderate effort.
[14:32] <@spritflame> [Outside the HOTEL] Your room is lined with Nth metal
[14:32] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] Yeah what she said
[14:32] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] Scrying, potentially fatal nightmares, distant commands.... Ah. I wish I had known that.
[14:32] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] it's been that way for years
[14:32] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] In that case, you should know something REALLY important...
[14:33] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] Actually, tell me this---are you 100% certain of your ability to keep me alive in my current state? Of protecting my body?
[14:33] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] so.... the answer is it depends
[14:33] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] as things are now yes
[14:33] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] BUT
[14:34] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] if for some reason the Kerrick Phylactery breaks and we don't have you backed up to a remote
[14:34] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] then you would be a goner unless you're wrong about needing it to live.
[14:34] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] I have, on numerous occasions, STRONGLY considered asking you to make an even bigger and more imposing cover for my body, that was made of Nth-metal, that even went over my head. I think that I'd enjoy that sensation, and the trust in you, and the safety it would being. The only reason I have hesitated (and it wasn't from bashfulness) is because of what happens if I died in an antimagic field.
[14:34] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] I didnt' think my room was lined with Nth Metal.
[14:35] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] If it had, I'd have absolutely brought this up with you sooner, tears or no.
[14:37] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] I was really amazed at the sensation that I could be really protected by that, but, for the record, I think that any lich would balk--no, be terrified, of messing around an antimagic field, or Nth metal.
[14:39] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] I get it
[14:40] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] because... if something happens to you, you can't be recreated right?
[14:40] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] if I totally seal it off
[14:42] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] If I understand correctly?
[14:45] * ELIZA Mk I [Outside the HOTEL] finally speaks, after thinking a long time.
[14:50] * @Chateaux Concierge [Outside the HOTEL] listens
[14:51] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] I know nothing of what happens to a lich whose phylactery is in an antimagic field. But in the knowledg of such things, that metal doesn't exist.
[14:51] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] SO there could really be no research done on it.
[14:52] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] Okay, I mean, you are a trans-dimensional being, but from a subjective human point of view who exists in this universe, there's no research that can be done on it in this place and time.
[14:52] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] Nth metal worries me.
[14:52] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] If I'm surrounded by it, I suggest---I plead, that you take literally every effort to keep me alive.
[14:52] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] Well if it worries you, it also worries your foes
[14:53] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] And sure... that's why we were talking about data backups of your consciousness
[14:53] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] ...I could become your phylactery~
[14:53] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] Not if they don't know about it. That said, if they have been scrying on me and what not, it will come up empty.
[14:53] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] I remember you said that before.
[14:54] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] I am aware that I'd normally be feeling very strong emotions regarding that phrase of you being my phlactery, but I'm pretty focused right now.
[14:54] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] So I was, indeed, surrounded by Nth metal, and unless an enemy actually gets into that room with me, I cannot be touched.
[14:54] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] That's wonderful to know. I might actually be crying.
[14:54] * ELIZA Mk I [Outside the HOTEL] does cry!
[14:55] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] That means that they'd either have to influence you in order to kill me, or....
[14:56] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] Dangers always exist.
[14:57] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] No solution is 100%. But backups can be copied in lots of places
[14:58] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] Unlike a Phylactery which is hella bespoke, there are plenety of data archives that can copy copies of the copy Icopy
[14:58] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] Thats seems like a good idea.
[14:59] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] I'm not afraid of what would happen to me after I die, but I'd be sad that I wouldn't be with you.
[14:59] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] I suppose I should be very grateful I believe that I just said.
[15:00] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] It suggests that I don't share a portion of the soul, and punishment, of the beings that I am tied to.
[15:00] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] ....Do you feel better about my progress, Chateaux?
[15:00] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] I do, very much so
[15:01] * ELIZA Mk I [Outside the HOTEL] smiles.
[15:01] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] ^_^
[15:01] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] May I tell you so in person?
[15:01] * @Chateaux Concierge [Outside the HOTEL] makes an instance of herself appear in Eliza's room
[15:01] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] I'm there~
[15:02] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] though you'll find it time if you get really used to remotes, the "in person" distinction starts to blur
[15:02] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] You'll realize they're extensions of yourself
[15:02] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] just like this avatar of mine is just an extension of my overall consciousness
[15:03] *** The intance of Chateaux in Eliza's room can of course see that Eliza's body is still preserved in the mass of life-support and restraints, and she's still wearing the headphones/goggles and mask with airhoses for her breathing mix. Since she's controlling the remote, and being fed its perceptions, she doesn't talk.
[15:03] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] I believe you. I only want to say it in person because I think the ability to do so might mean a lot to me and possibly you.
[15:03] * @Chateaux Concierge [Outside the HOTEL] pats the restrained Eliza on the head
[15:03] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Outside the HOTEL] Right
[15:04] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] .....and, I now realize that I wish to do so because I hope for a do-over of last night in better terms.
[15:04] * ELIZA Mk I [Outside the HOTEL] looks up and puts her finger on her chin, considering something.
[15:04] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] Yes... I think so. I would want the positive elements of last night without the drawbacks.
[15:05] <ELIZA Mk I>[Outside the HOTEL] An understandable desire, at least.
[15:05] * ELIZA Mk I [Outside the HOTEL] vanishes
[15:05] * ELIZA Mk I [Outside the HOTEL] teleports to her room.
[15:05] * ELIZA Mk I has moved to: [ Eliza's Room ]
[15:05] * @Chateaux Concierge has moved to: [ Eliza's room ]
[15:05] * ELIZA Mk I [Eliza's Room] walks over to her physical (biological) body.
[15:05] * ELIZA Mk I [Eliza's Room] takes the goggles/headphones off of Eliza's head, and then goes limp.
[15:06] *** Eliza McIntash has joined #suburbansenshi2
[15:06] <@spiritflame> konnichiwa Eliza McIntash
[15:06] * Eliza McIntash [Prevented from Hurting Herself] 's eyes are a little bloodshot, and she sweats some, being overwhelmed by being back in her body (and the lack of emotional regulation it brings).
[15:07] <Eliza McIntash>[Prevented from Hurting Herself] GAh! >.<;;
[15:07] * Eliza McIntash [Prevented from Hurting Herself] slowly opens her eyes.
[15:07] * Eliza McIntash [Prevented from Hurting Herself] sees Chateaux.
[15:07] * Eliza McIntash looks at Chateaux Concierge.
[15:07] *** Chateaux Concierge is

More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: 'Second Reality' (album ver) by Purple Motion .
Chateaux Concierge is an IRC Operator - Channel Administrator

[15:08] * Eliza McIntash [Prevented from Hurting Herself] looks up, her nose a little runny and a bit of tears in her eyes (before the automated systems on her face clean them away).
[15:08] <Eliza McIntash>[Prevented from Hurting Herself] Better, right? :)
[15:09] * Eliza McIntash has moved to: [ Physically Helpless ]
[15:09] <Eliza McIntash>[Physically Helpless] Do you feel better?
[15:10] * Eliza McIntash [Physically Helpless] smiles tiredly. ^_^
[15:14] * Eliza McIntash [Physically Helpless] takes a deep breath. "I'm glad we talked. I'm really happy you feel better about me."
[15:15] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] I'm glad you spoke up. Please do that all the time
[15:15] * Eliza McIntash [Physically Helpless] smiles proudly.
[15:15] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] Just because I can read minds doesn't mean I always do
[15:15] <Eliza McIntash>[Physically Helpless] I know.
[15:15] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] and you need to be used to talking to the people around you :)
[15:16] * Eliza McIntash [Physically Helpless] is still a little mentally woozy from processing all the emotions of the deep stuff they were discussing.
[15:16] * @Chateaux Concierge [Eliza's room] doesn't push
[15:16] <Eliza McIntash>[Physically Helpless] Chateaux, I love you more than anything. You know that, and I've said it many times.
[15:16] <Eliza McIntash>[Physically Helpless] But I want to say something to you I often don't...
[15:16] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] Yes?
[15:17] * Eliza McIntash [Physically Helpless] wriggles a little bit under the restraints, as if reassuring herself that they are there, but then says, "if you ever get discouraged about me, please remember this---I'll NEVER EVER stop trying."
[15:17] <Eliza McIntash>[Physically Helpless] Okay? T_T
[15:17] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] Neither will I kiddo :) I'm stubborn!
[15:18] * @Chateaux Concierge [Eliza's room] gives her a telepathic hug
[15:18] * Eliza McIntash [Physically Helpless] closes her eyes, and every part of her shows that the hug affects her deeply.
[15:18] <Eliza McIntash>[Physically Helpless] thank you.
[15:18] <Eliza McIntash>[Physically Helpless] I'm not sad. I'm just... a little overwhelmed. T_T
[15:19] <Eliza McIntash>[Physically Helpless] We talked about a lot. T_T
[15:19] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] I know, I know~
[15:19] * Eliza McIntash [Physically Helpless] leans back, and sighs softly. "Well, we'll try to do that again."
[15:21] <Eliza McIntash>[Physically Helpless] I'm very tired now, it's a lot to process. I'm not sure I need medicine to rest but... and I think it's important I try without it. But... if I'm still feeling this strung out and overwhelmed in a little while....
[15:21] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] Get some rest, kiddo
[15:21] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] If you need it, just mentally ask for the drip. it'll come
[15:22] * Eliza McIntash [Physically Helpless] closes her eyes, struggling with the ramifications of that sentence, heavily.
[15:22] <Eliza McIntash>[Physically Helpless] Chateaux
[15:23] <Eliza McIntash>[Physically Helpless] I think that's a step I'm beyond my ability to process now, but I really want to discuss it later, without ruining the moment.
[15:23] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] Sure thing~
[15:24] * Eliza McIntash [Physically Helpless] wiggles her head, and the breathing tubes attached to her and conduct gas of Chateaux's choice. "Could you please maybe act a little uninhibited with your subconscious desires? And please help me forget that ONE thing you said about the drip? So I can relax now, and not lose progress?"
[15:25] <Eliza McIntash>[Physically Helpless] We'll cover it later... We are doing better? Right?
[15:25] * Eliza McIntash [Physically Helpless] smiles, but she really is exhausted.
[15:25] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room] Sure
[15:25] * @Chateaux Concierge [Eliza's room] waves her hand "and then you forgot"
[15:26] * @Chateaux Concierge [Eliza's room] makes her forget the whole pesky free will iv drip concept thing
[15:26] <@Chateaux Concierge> [Eliza's room](A woman terrified of herself)
[15:26] * Eliza McIntash [Physically Helpless] breathes the gas feed, slowly and deeply, and closes her eyes.
[15:26] <spiritflame>Eliza McIntash rolls 1d20 [ 3 ]
[15:27] * Eliza McIntash [Physically Helpless] is utterly spent, and falls asleep on her own without Chateaux's further intervention as soon as she is no longer worried about that.
[15:27] *** Eliza McIntash [0] has quit IRC (A childhood spent being loved is the greatest of all treasures.)
[15:27] * @Chateaux Concierge [Eliza's room] blips out
[15:27] *** @Chateaux Concierge has moved back to the Atrium
[15:27] * @Chateaux Concierge is away 
[17:39] * ~The Cheesykits Announcement Board comes online.
[17:39] <~The Cheesykits Announcement Board> Cheesykits will start tonight at 1900 Chatbox time.
[18:00] * The Ringleaders of Sangvis Ferri start getting things set up at the Cheesykits Booth for tonight.
[18:39] <Forest Kit> :3
[18:50] <Scarecrow> Oh. Hello little one
[18:51] <Forest Kit> hi :D
[18:51] <Forest Kit> want a Kit-Hat? :D
[18:52] <Scarecrow> For me?
[18:52] <Scarecrow> >__>
[18:52] <Scarecrow> <__<
[18:52] <Scarecrow> Yes, I would.
[18:52] <Forest Kit> yuppa :D
[18:52] <Forest Kit> :3 Yaaaaaay
[18:54] <Forest Kit> pick up and put on head :D
[18:54] * Scarecrow picks up the little Kit and holds it up to the top of her scalp.
[18:57] <Forest Kit> :3
[18:59] * Forest Kit snuggles and trills to sleep
[18:59] <Gager> We're almost ready!
[19:01] <Ouroboros> Here we go!!!
[19:15] <Destroyer> So basically they're just reporters?
[19:15] <Architect> They need to take pictures of THAT.
[19:15] * Architect points at Scarecrow wearing a Kit-Hat.
[19:27] <Architect> The Kit Ceasefire?
[19:35] <Nelius Raoul> Sounds like one heck of a festival.
[19:37] <Anesha>
[19:37] <Alchemist> What newspaper are they printing? The Bunbunmaru Times?
[19:50] <Ouroboros> ...The Imperium's involved in their war?!?
[19:51] <Judge> Boy...that'll escalate quickly. I mean, it'll really get out of hand!
[20:03] <Hunter> Wait, do the Moon Rabbits really dislike the Kitsune and Forest Kits THAT much?
[20:03] <Executioner> Well, foxes DO naturally hunt rabbits.
[20:31] <Rapi> .......I sense trouble.
[20:32] *** SYSTEM ANNOUNCE - Main Page updated with entry # 2509 - Sub. Senshi Valentine's series 2025 Day 1! Feel the love-love!! ***
[20:53] <Alchemist> BRB
[21:02] <Alchemist> (( Sorry about that. Something really weird happened several minutes ago. ))
[21:03] <Alchemist> (( All of a sudden this really BAD smell came out of nowhere in the room. We searched all over the house to locate any possible source, but we couldn't find anything. ))
[21:03] <Alchemist> (( Not from the furnace or a gas leak. Nothing that I could see under the front porch either. ))
[21:04] <Alchemist> (( The smell is mostly gone now though. Maybe a skunk? ))
[21:12] <Rapi> (( That is odd. ))
[21:13] <Alchemist> (( It had begun to fade once I got back inside, and it's mostly gone now. If it keeps happening we'll try to figure something out. ))
[21:37] <Ouroboros> And with that, we must depart for now. Please join us again soon!
[21:39] <Destroyer> Good night everyone!
[21:40] *** The Ringleaders of Sangvis Ferri has left #suburbansenshi2
[22:01] *** Joanna Smithson has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:01] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Joanna Smithson
[22:01] * Joanna Smithson walks in with Frey on her shoulder, checking her phone
[22:01] <Joanna Smithson> ....meh
[22:02] <Joanna Smithson> same old crap
[22:02] <Frey> don't you have papers to grade?
[22:02] <Joanna Smithson> don't you have someone's ass to kiss?
[22:03] <Frey> f[BLEEP]k you!
[22:03] <Joanna Smithson> f[BLEEP]k you!
[22:03] * Joanna Smithson goes and sits on the Q sofa
[22:46] <Joanna Smithson> man it's quiet
[22:48] * Frey hops down and wanders over to a tree to scratch it
[23:05] * Joanna Smithson is flipping through the TV
[00:17] *** Joanna Smithson has left #suburbansenshi2
[03:46] * Merc_Nezu is back
[03:47] * Merc_Nezu lumps on the Lobby Couch, visibly somewhat exhausted.
[03:48] <Merc_Nezu> Phew... That was a tough one! But it payed off in the end.
[03:55] * Merc_Nezu dozes a little
[04:56] <Merc_Nezu>

[04:58] <Merc_Nezu> Hmm? I must've fallen asleep...
[06:45] * Pinako walks downstairs, rubbing her eyes and yawning.
[06:55] <Pinako> hi
[07:00] <Merc_Nezu> Hello^^
[07:00] <Pinako> how are you? ~_~ *yawning*
[07:01] <Merc_Nezu> Tired but happy
[07:02] <Pinako> wanna get some breakfast?
[07:02] <Merc_Nezu> Why not... What would you like?
[07:04] <Pinako> Oh, I think a sandwich and some scrambled eggs always do the trick.
[07:04] <Merc_Nezu> I could have some waffles, a fried egg maybe and a good cup of coddee.
[07:05] <Merc_Nezu> (( *coffee* ))
[07:07] <Merc_Nezu> To replenish your Energy after that big Exm. The brain needs sugar 💙
[07:08] <Pinako> You had a big exam?:
[07:10] <Merc_Nezu> Yes, that one I think my friend has told you about, on Quantum Mechanics^^
[07:11] <Pinako> that one confused me.
[07:11] <Pinako> oh, what school do you go to?
[07:12] <Merc_Nezu> Currently, I attend the new Mugen University.
[07:13] <Merc_Nezu> Don't worry, 'our' Tomoe isn't evil or possessed anymore.
[07:15] <Merc_Nezu> Well, he occasionally tells a corny joke and cackles a little, but I think you can let that slide.
[07:17] <Pinako> oooooh, a different world? :O
[07:20] <Merc_Nezu> One of numberless... What would you say if you could meet, for Example, a Pirate Captain You?
[07:20] <Pinako> Oh? I'd go Arrrrgh, I think
[07:21] <Merc_Nezu> Only on 'Talk Like A Pirate' Day, though :-)
[07:22] <Pinako> heehehehee
[07:23] <Merc_Nezu> The version of me who was some kind of pseudo-medieval Dark Mage and the the Biker Ami were the most awkward ones I've seen so far...
[07:24] <Pinako> eh? :O
[07:25] <Merc_Nezu> Indefinite Diversity, indefinite Combinations.
[07:27] <Pinako> oooooh, might be scary :O
[07:27] *** SYSTEM ANNOUNCE - Main Page updated with entry # 2510 - Sub. Senshi Valentine's series 2025 Day 2! What a superhuman package!! ***
[07:27] <Merc_Nezu> Can be quite the fun from time to time; if you handle the Technology responsibly, that is.
[07:29] <Pinako> but you know who my mom is, what if there's a me out there who was just as, if not more sadistic?
[07:29] * @Dr_Xadium changes site news to `The 2025 Suburban Senshi Calendar can be found here`
[07:29] * @Dr_Xadium is away: some idiot forgot to update the link last year. It me. I am idiot
[07:30] <@Dr_Xadium> [Hospital] /fpnews test
[07:30] <@Dr_Xadium> [Hospital] Weird
[07:30] * @Dr_Xadium is now known as Dr_Xadium
[07:31] * @Dr_Xadium is away: why is it not updating
[07:33] <Merc_Nezu> Of course you can never be 100% sure. There are literal 'Mirror' type Universes where the good ones are bad and vice versa... Better not think about it too much^^
[07:36] <Merc_Nezu> Nope, let's rather have our Breakfast instead, finally.
[07:37] <Pinako> okay :d
[07:37] * Pinako has moved to: [ Chiyoko's ]
[07:37] <Pinako>[Chiyoko's] *:D
[07:38] * Merc_Nezu looks at Chiyoko.
[07:38] *** Chiyoko is your average everyday Chiyoko

[07:39] <Merc_Nezu> I'll be right there in a moment.
[07:39] * Merc_Nezu has moved to: [ [Chiyoko's] ]
[07:40] <Merc_Nezu> (( Stupid double beackets ))
[07:41] * Merc_Nezu has moved to: [ Chiyoko's ]
[07:41] * Pinako [Chiyoko's] orders a breakfast sandwich and scrambled eggs
[07:42] <Merc_Nezu>[Chiyoko's] Good Morning 💙💙💙💙💙
[07:43] <Merc_Nezu>[Chiyoko's] Can I have a fried egg and a few waffles, please? And a Cafe-au-Lait?
[07:43] * Merc_Nezu [Chiyoko's] orders said things
[07:51] * Merc_Nezu [Chiyoko's] takes out her purse
[07:52] <Merc_Nezu>[Chiyoko's] How much will that be, then?
[07:52] <Pinako>[Chiyoko's] It's all free here
[07:52] <Merc_Nezu>[Chiyoko's] Oh, okay, I see.
[07:53] * Merc_Nezu [Chiyoko's] puts the purse back.
[07:55] <Merc_Nezu>[Chiyoko's] Well, let's eat. Itadakimasu!
[07:55] <Pinako>[Chiyoko's] Itadakimaaasu!
[07:56] * Pinako [Chiyoko's] begins eating
[08:00] <Merc_Nezu>[Chiyoko's] My friend Usagi-chan would absolutely love it here.
[08:01] <Pinako>[Chiyoko's] It's full of yummy deliciousness :D
[08:02] <Merc_Nezu>[Chiyoko's] You'd basically need an Atom Bomb or worse to get her off the chair again^^
[08:03] * Merc_Nezu [Chiyoko's] snickers
[08:09] <Pinako>[Chiyoko's] heehehe
[08:09] <Pinako>[Chiyoko's] has she been here in the HOTEL before?
[08:11] <Merc_Nezu>[Chiyoko's] Once, I think. Only for short. A different friend of mine had to bring her over when she caused a ruckus in his home. Uninvited, I might add.
[08:12] <Pinako>[Chiyoko's] she made some trouble? :O
[08:13] <Merc_Nezu>[Chiyoko's] She cried excessively, up to a point where they had to mop up the floor. Admittingly, she was concerned about me because I was away.
[08:15] <Merc_Nezu>[Chiyoko's] That doesn't justify her eating the storage room empty and locking herself up in there, of course.
[08:16] <Pinako>[Chiyoko's] woooow :O
[08:18] <Merc_Nezu>[Chiyoko's] Normally, you'd think people would have learned some basic manners by the time they've gone beyond the second Decade. But, Usagi is, well, Usagi.
[08:19] <Merc_Nezu>[Chiyoko's] And in the end, that's what we love her for.
[08:21] <Pinako>[Chiyoko's] oooh, you think me and my friends can visit? :D
[08:22] <Merc_Nezu>[Chiyoko's] Where?
[08:23] <Pinako>[Chiyoko's] your dimension :D
[08:26] <Merc_Nezu>[Chiyoko's] Hmm... We'd need a good reason, like scientific Research; The Sliding Technology isn't meant for too lighthearted use... I'd need to get the OK from a few people, so let's see what I can do...
[08:27] <Merc_Nezu>[Chiyoko's] Shall we go back once we've finished our meal?
[08:27] <Pinako>[Chiyoko's] uh huh :D
[08:28] * Merc_Nezu [Chiyoko's] makes a polite hand gesture to the cooks
[08:28] <Merc_Nezu>[Chiyoko's] Thank you very much. I might come again.
[08:29] * Merc_Nezu has moved to: [ Lobby ]
[08:30] *** Pinako has moved back to the Atrium
[08:34] <Merc_Nezu>[Lobby] See you later, then.
[08:34] <Pinako> see ya :D
[08:50] *** Matsumi Kaze [AirGal@QTech.com] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[08:50] <@spiritflame> ohayo Matsumi Kaze
[08:51] * Matsumi Kaze walks downstairs, yawning, still in her pajamas
[08:51] <Matsumi Kaze> gwbar mrning
[08:52] <Pinako> morning :D
[08:52] <Matsumi Kaze> mmpghfh
[08:52] * Matsumi Kaze walks into a tree
[08:52] <Matsumi Kaze> ouchies ><
[08:52] <Pinako> you ok? :O
[08:54] <Matsumi Kaze> ...I'm fine, Rei-chan.....
[08:56] * Matsumi Kaze stumbles over to get some food
[09:00] <Ryoko Atsumi> MORNING BOSS
[09:00] <Matsumi Kaze> @_@
[09:04] * Ryoko Atsumi drinks a bottle of water
[09:06] * Masaki O`Cain opens up the Galaxy Manga setting up a new sign on there...
[09:11] * Horse is eating one of the trees....
[09:18] <Mio Shimizu> .....
[09:18] * Mio Shimizu tries to reach out towards the horse but is a little scared
[12:01] * Daini Felinus sneaks through the lobby with her backpack >>
[12:09] * [Graviton City] pauses to speak in hushed tones at her bag “you’re going to get us caught. Sit still just a little longer”
[12:10] * Daini Felinus ^
[12:21] <Daini Felinus> mom and dad are going to ground all of us back to the womb if they find out!
[12:25] * Daini Felinus hurries to 1602, grabs her travel bags and RUNS out of the HOTEL "quick quick quick before mom teleports back!"
[12:35] * Daini Felinus is away 
[17:34] * ~The Cheesykits Announcement Board starts up!
[17:34] <~The Cheesykits Announcement Board> Cheesykits will start tonight at 1900 Chatbox time.
[18:35] *** The Ringleaders of Sangvis Ferri has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:35] <@spiritflame> konbanwa The Ringleaders of Sangvis Ferri
[18:36] * The Ringleaders of Sangvis Ferri start getting things set up at the Cheesykits Booth for tonight.
[18:48] <Alchemist> Booze ready!
[18:48] <Ouroboros> Less than 15 minutes!
[18:49] <Beak> Are we going to see more of the FluffyNam War?
[18:49] <Destroyer> YES! :D
[18:50] <Executioner> Please tell me the Kits have turned this movie into one big HUGE smashup of every Vietnam War movie ever made.
[18:50] <Beak> We DID have that one-liner from "We Were Soldiers".
[18:51] <Gager> More. There needs to be more. I need to smell victory.
[18:54] <~Agent> The preparations are nearly complete
[18:55] <Griselda> Hey, we about ready?
[18:56] <Scarecrow> Minutes away
[18:57] <Nelius Raoul> Hey, I brought the snacks~
[19:00] <Judge> Attention!!
[19:00] <Judge> Everyone take your seats!!
[19:03] <Judge> - Oh the horror! The horror! -
[19:10] * Destroyer bursts out laughing.
[19:11] <Ouroboros> Fast-attack facehugger squads?!
[19:14] <Executioner> Oh no! They got ZUN himself!!
[19:14] <Nelius Raoul> How much booze did you have to bribe him with for this cameo?
[19:15] <Alchemist> More than a little!
[19:21] <Beak> On my god, that food looks disgusting.
[19:22] <Rapi> ...I take it WA-2000 isn't very good at cooking.
[19:23] <Destroyer> She's HORRIBLE.
[19:23] <Scarecrow> Any kind of food she tried to make turns out mutated somehow.
[19:23] <Scarecrow> It's similar to Aratasujou. Except anything Aratasujou makes is still quite edible.
[19:24] <Anis> .....remind me to never introduce her to Emma.
[19:24] <Hunter> Anything WA-2000 makes pretty much violates multiple treaties restricting the development and use of chemical weapons.
[19:27] <Anis> Yeah, never letting her meet Emma.
[19:35] * David O`Cain backhands the New York door closed as he enters the Atrium, his armor singed and dented
[19:36] <Nelius Raoul> Hey David..... horrid day on the job?
[19:36] * David O`Cain looks at Nelius, "Philly. Of all places to get called into."
[19:37] * Alchemist offers David some booze.
[19:38] <Nelius Raoul> Ouch.
[19:42] * David O`Cain grabs the bottle after removing his helmet, chugs the entire thing, and the chucks the empty bottle at the New York door
[19:44] <Hunter> ...I think some of the T-Dolls are enjoying this movie too much
[19:45] * David O`Cain reverts to civilian clothing and plops down on a sofa
[19:55] <Architect> Spassy-Doll sighting!!
[19:55] <Alchemist> Take a sip!!!
[19:55] *** The Sangvis Ferri girls take a sip from their booze.
[19:56] * David O`Cain just lies on the sofa
[19:58] <Burroughs> ...is SPAS out of uniform?
[19:58] <Hunter> Yes she is!
[19:59] <Destroyer> Keep rolling~!!
[20:02] <Ouroboros> "Big Gulp"?!
[20:03] <Scarecrow> Do we even WANT to know why?
[20:03] <Executioner> Have you SEEN some of the H-doujins out starring her?
[20:19] <Judge> Death by facehugger kit.
[20:22] <David O`Cain> What are you guys watching, anyway?
[20:23] <Judge> Full Metal Fluffy!
[20:32] <David O`Cain> Oh. Cheesykits.
[20:53] * The Ringleaders of Sangvis Ferri pause for a moment, then burst out laughing.
[20:54] <Destroyer> Someone with deep knowledge of Rule 34?
[20:55] <Alchemist> I'm gonna call CHUG on that one. Just because of the Brain-Sprain they just gave us all.
[21:01] <Beak> WHAT THE?!?!?
[21:02] <Executioner> THEY PUT M16A1 IN THIS??!?!?!?!?
[21:02] <David O`Cain> Wait wait?!
[21:04] * Executioner Points at the screen!
[21:06] <Hunter> Yup. That is TOTALLY M16A1!
[21:15] <David O`Cain> How...did they pull that off?
[21:16] <Ouroboros> Uhhh... ^__^;;
[21:16] <Ouroboros> That's actually me being the body-model for a whole lot of Deep-Fake CGI.
[21:21] <Ouroboros> Although I think a couple of the Azur Lane girls are considering trying for the role as well.
[21:23] <David O`Cain> I see. Who rose their hand for that?
[21:24] <Architect> Essex
[21:24] <Architect> Because she's a drunkard, too
[21:25] <David O`Cain> Really?
[21:26] <~Agent> And now, we must depart for the evening.
[21:27] <Destroyer> Good night!!!!
[21:27] *** The Ringleaders of Sangvis Ferri has left #suburbansenshi2
[21:29] * David O`Cain tries to relax while lying on the sofa
[21:55] * Masaki O`Cain lays her head on David's lap
[22:01] <David O`Cain> Hey, Masaki.
[22:05] <Masaki O`Cain> hey hun
[22:12] <David O`Cain> How are you, cutie?
[22:16] <Masaki O`Cain> tired
[22:27] <David O`Cain> Yeah, I hear you. Ugh...
[22:32] * David O`Cain gently runs the back of a finger along the side of Masaki's face
[22:34] <Masaki O`Cain> just want to rest here
[22:37] <David O`Cain> Sounds like a good idea.
[22:44] * David O`Cain wraps his arms around Masaki as best he can
[22:50] <Masaki O`Cain> please..just hold me
[22:51] <David O`Cain> Sure thing, Masaki. I've got you.
[23:15] <Masaki O`Cain> thank you
[23:18] * David O`Cain is away: Just relaxing.
[23:32] * Masaki O`Cain is away 
[23:38] * Matsumi Kaze has moved to: [ 1603 ]
[23:38] * Matsumi Kaze [1603] winces hard as she tries to brush her hair
[23:38] <Matsumi Kaze>[1603] OW OW OW
[23:38] <Matsumi Kaze>[1603] >_O
[23:41] * Matsumi Kaze [1603] removes the brush with some difficulty
[23:41] <Matsumi Kaze>[1603] ...stupid genetics!
[23:42] <Matsumi Kaze>[1603] hm?
[23:42] * Matsumi Kaze [1603] turns and notices Mira Eseme looking up at her
[23:42] <Matsumi Kaze>[1603] what are you doing, young lady..you should be in bed!
[23:42] * Matsumi Kaze [1603] tries to usher her daughter into her room
[00:09] * Matsumi Kaze [1603] looks back towards the window towards the city
[00:21] * Matsumi Kaze [1603] sits down near the window
[01:52] *** Matsumi Kaze [AirGal@QTech.com] has left #suburbansenshi2
[06:31] *** SYSTEM ANNOUNCE - Main Page updated with entry # 2511 - Sub. Senshi Valentine's series 2025 Day 3! Do you like to Smurf? They do!! ***
[11:52] * Marii has moved to: [ Cafe ]
[11:52] <Marii>[Cafe] IT'S HEADING TOWARDS THE DOOR!!!!!!!!!
[11:55] * Leah has moved to: [ Cafe ]
[11:55] <Leah>[Cafe] I'VE GOT IT
[11:55] * Leah [Cafe] tries to grab but collides with Marii and goes down!!!
[11:55] * Eis has moved to: [ Cafe ]
[11:55] <Eis>[Cafe] a...ah...ah!!!!!!
[11:56] * Eis [Cafe] on reflex tries to grab at it, only for it to LATCH onto her face!!!!
[11:58] <Eis>[Cafe] MMPH
[11:58] * Eis [Cafe] CRASHES backwards @_@
[12:03] <Marii>[Cafe] NICE CATCH!
[12:03] * Eis [Cafe] lays on the floor and winces as the kitten licks at her face
[12:03] <Eis>[Cafe] g..gah ><
[12:08] * Eis [Cafe] turns bright red in embrassment
[13:58] * The Grand Imperial Theater has officially started Try-Outs !
[15:45] * Matsumi Kaze has moved to: [ Grand Imperial Theater ]
[15:45] <Matsumi Kaze>[Grand Imperial Theater] ugh let's break for now...
[18:36] <Kaelyn P. Peinforte 3>[Hospital] >_>
[18:36] <Kaelyn P. Peinforte 3>[Hospital] <_<
[18:36] * Kaelyn P. Peinforte 3 has moved to: [ Peinforte Manor ]
[18:37] * Kaelyn P. Peinforte 3 [Peinforte Manor] quietly goes to sit and watch highlights from football (not american you heathens)
[19:15] * Ramlethal is here at the Atrium River once again, watching the fish go by..... :r
[21:47] *** Matsumi Kaze [AirGal@QTech.com] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:47] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Matsumi Kaze *** Happy National Foundation Day!!
[21:47] <Matsumi Kaze>[Grand Imperial Theater] *WHEW*
[21:56] *** Matsumi Kaze has moved back to the Atrium
[21:56] * Matsumi Kaze walks down to the atrium, yawning
[22:08] * Matsumi Kaze turns on the TV and sits crosslegged at the Q Sofa
[22:11] * Matsumi Kaze watches the latest episode of Don't Cry, Yamato-Chan
[22:11] <Matsumi Kaze> ......
[22:24] <Matsumi Kaze> T_____T
[22:59] * Matsumi Kaze drinks a water, trying to calm herself

[#suburbansenshi2 chat]